Thursday, April 29, 2010

[Luvfy] 星座分析:

[Luvfy] 最懂得疼惜女强人的前五名男生

第一名:天秤座。 天秤座的男生可以接受女強人,在結婚前對方的女強人身分他是完全配合的,他的時間表可以為對方而更改,不過重點這個女強人外表要亮麗出色,但是結婚後天秤男就會要求了,雖然他還是會允許老婆有自己的事業,但是老婆該盡的責任,例如生小孩、夫妻相處的時間等等都還是要的。

第二名:水瓶座。 水瓶座的男生眼光通常比較另類,而且他很希望可以藉由跟女強人交往的過程中增加自己的知識和水準,他不介意因此而當小男人,交往的對象是名門之後或者是比自己位階高的女強人這件事情會增加他想要繼續戀情的推動力。

第三名:雙魚座。 雙魚座的男生非常貼心,細心的雙魚男總是能夠搶在別人沒注意到之前就已經準備好了,女強人有時候表現的頤使氣指,尊重個人特質的雙魚男也都能接受,而且雙魚男認為有個聰明能幹的配偶不僅僅從基因考量上佔優勢,而且也會使得人生的很多事情上能夠順利。

第四名:射手座。 射手座的男生眼光很獨到,他喜歡聰明有活力的女生,女生的位階高低嚇不倒射手男,一般男人考慮結婚對象的因素,例如會不會顧家、賢不賢慧等等,都不是射手男在意的,聰明絕頂或者是人中之鳳的女生才是他想要的。

第五名:魔羯座。 魔羯座的男生還蠻大男人主義的,雖然他可以接受女強人為結婚對象,但是對方還是要有功能性,例如女強人老婆在外面忙的沒日沒夜無法操持家務,那麼最少也要一起分擔家用和生活費,魔羯男認為如果另一半可以幫忙減輕負擔的話,那麼不當小女人的部分他是可以原諒的。

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

[Luvfy] 12星座装可爱


第二名白羊座 白羊天生有很强的孩子气,冲动,爱冒险,性急……都是天真的表现。白羊其实是很有想法的星座,当他发现他的目的不能达到的时候,他就会选择耍无赖,扮可怜……以可爱之名行事,自然会无往不利,百战百胜。白羊是化腐朽为神奇的厉害角色。

第三名:双鱼座 双鱼座总给人一种可爱女人,纯情公主的印象。但是如果你真的认为他是真的那么纯情的话,你的下场就会很惨的。把爱情视做生命的双鱼,在把玩爱情的时候会呕心沥血。可爱只是表面,厉害才是核心。装出来的可爱让百炼刚都成绕指柔。

第四名:天蝎座 哈哈,想不到吧!神秘,阴沉的天蝎座会那么喜欢装可爱。就象在黑暗中呆久了的人会特别喜欢太阳一样。很喜欢漫画和卡通的天蝎是很有童心的星座。只是平常严肃惯了的他童心未泯的样子,到九成九象是伪装的。大人,冤枉呀!

第五名:处女座 天生爱幻想的处女,只有超级完美的童话世界才能满足她。只是一大把年纪还在那么肆无忌惮的卡哇伊,真是会让人很受不了。老大,拜托成长起来。装可爱装成那个样,也未免太明显了一点吧。可是固执的处女可是不会听别人的劝告的。

第六名:天秤座 就象张学友正正经经演戏,却把洪七演的那么可爱一样。一直在努力追求成熟的天秤,其实从来就没有刻意去追求什么可爱。可是天性使然吧,他那孩子气的动作,表情总是那么一幅天真烂漫的神情,这样的可爱应该叫做浑然天成吧!

第七名:狮子座 狮子才不会稀罕什么小可爱呢!可是每个人的心里都藏了一个孩子。当我们看到狮子一本正经的讲冷笑话的时候,当我们看到他捧着漫画书狂笑的时候。我们会会心一笑,不约而同的想到一句话:“轩,装可爱!”这样的结果是狮子预料不到的。

第八名:水瓶座 大概是演技不太好的缘故,水瓶还没有开始装可爱就已经被朋友看穿了。虽然他也会瞪大双眼装莫名惊诧状。可是那蹩脚的演技真是让人觉得很恶。朋友这样几次三番打击下来,水瓶自然就把装可爱的心收拾起来,只能在心里缅怀了。

第九名:摩羯座 摩羯座是骨子里不屑装可爱的那种人,可是天性不是理智可以压制的住的。看到可爱的猫猫狗狗就会抓狂的摩羯们,一脸爱怜的样子,在那里又是喵呜,又是汪汪的和动物交流,搂搂抱抱的那股亲热劲。那种样子不是可爱是什么呢?

第十名:金牛座 金牛的老实本分是出了名的。只是憨厚有时候也会显得很可爱,由于是本性流露,不是伪装出来的所以排名不高。另外习惯直线条思考问题的金牛一般为人处世也很严谨的,可爱的神情可是一年难遇,幸运的观众还是好好珍惜吧。

第十一名:巨蟹座 巨蟹座不是不喜欢装可爱,而是偷懒。装出来的可爱是需要表情,声音,动作等等来辅助的,真是自找麻烦呀。与其辛苦的伪装,还不如真实一点。反正浪漫与温柔是巨蟹座行走江湖的撒手锏,迷死人不偿命。一招鲜,就可以吃遍天了。可爱要来做什么?

第十二名:射手座 之所以骄傲的射手座排名会那么低,一来是因为射手座自己本身对装的东西了无兴趣,二是确实天赋不够。既然不能可爱,那么就成熟一点吧!缺点有时候也会造就优点的。君不见,物以稀为贵嘛!就像钻石永远比石头来得金贵。

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

[Luvfy] <会长是女仆大人>

Maid sama

Sunday, April 25, 2010

[вεrrч]‣ σн чεąн

long time no post here adi..
lazy 2 post..>~<

quite lots of work 2 do recently..
esp 4 maths n add maths..
gonna hang in all exercise book nex week..
bt 90% of my books is incomplete..

went sing k wth ning ning on fri..
very happy n high..
n proud i gt d chance 2 hear ning ning wonderful's voice =P
n i broke 1 glass cup XP
2 high adi..
fortunately they didnt charge me 4 d broken cup..
thz god..^O^
special offer 4 ladies tats oni 5++ frm mon-fri..
exam was around end of may..
stil gt chance 2 go again..

oh yeah..
i wan 2 go again!!!

yesterday very tired after bac frm sch..
bt goin 2 church 4 meeting..
thz god 4 strengthen me again..
i was weak n easily getting down..
bt nw..
i had pick up my mind..
i gonna make sum changes..
try nt 2 cry so much when faced problem..
i lik dis sentence " Cast ur cares on d LORD and he ll sustain u "
n " the LORD is my helper, I ll nvr afraid"
berry gambateh yo..

found 1 cute person recently..
i lik her smile..
n she is a nice person..
nice 2 meet u.. ^ ^

happy nia..=P



Friday, April 23, 2010

[Luvfy] Maid Sama

i'm, gonna crazy ..
Usui Takumi so handsome..
like him so muc..

here r some pic of "Maid Sama"
Usui Takumi

Friday, April 16, 2010

[вεrrч]‣ ωнąτş ωřσлğ ωĭτн мε?

quite a long time didnt post sumthing here..

went 4 st mary 4 chess competition on tues til thurs..

ve a lots fun thr..

gud luck 2 izzati n sara hu were goin 2 peringkat negeri..^^

here was sum pho i took in st mary XP

d hall we had our competition..

our rest room..

others ll b upload soon ^^


whats wrong wth me 2day..

i asked myself..

bt i didnt gt d answer..

words cant express my feeling..



im stil hu i am..

soh poh..

tats wad i noe..XP


sdo maintenance til 7pm..

bt my time is over..

so unlucky..

yesterday even more unlucky..

sudden dc..

n cant connect bac..

streamyx prob-o-..

i wont let u go..

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

[Luvfy] Sienzz..

Eyes are very painful
Because of the comic see very late last night..

Class pictures made yesterday
Principal and vice Principals are with us
But..... Unfortunately was.....
Class teacher Cik Lee not present..
so bad...

This year pic are different..
We n all subject's tacher take photo ..
The 1st 1 is serious ,
d 1nd 1 is free pose gek..
i squatted in front of principal..
7 ppl squatted ,
3 left 3 right..

Satursday go FRIM for picnic..
min shin wanted to c sze yee wear bikini ..
The weather is very hot
mayb it is a right choice to wear bikini ..


Monday, April 5, 2010

[вεrrч]‣ ĭм ьąć

went klang on sat afternoon n went bac 2day..

ve lots fun time wth my cousin sis..

n learn sumthings new..^O^

buy sumthing too when goin 2 jusco..

n ate paobing..wakakaXP


so qqqqq neh..^O^

cousin bought dis 2..

so nice..boy geh left las 1 oni..>.<

purse bought by sis..

n we had our lunch in mcd after reached kl sentral frm klang ktm station..

quite bored @ train..

new mcflurry favour..

oreo berries..


after finished eating we went bac kepong by train again @@

a nice song 2 share wth u all~*


什么 都不要懂 只想 继续做梦
害怕 醒来以后 握不住你的手
是谁 太不成熟 没体谅彼此感受
我不停寻找着理由 解释分手

心好空 像没温度的 气球
我的灵魂困在回忆中 动也不能动

爱上你 不需要理由 你到底懂不懂
可是怀念 竟比失去 还要更难受
噢~爱让我 想起你
的时候 泪禁不住滑落
可惜 你永远 都不会懂

什么 都不要懂 只想 继续做梦
害怕 醒来以后 握不住你的手
如果 同一秒钟 你也 想起了我
心只要能微微颤抖 就已足够

爱上你 不需要理由 你到底懂不懂
可是怀念 竟比失去 还要更难受
噢~爱让我 想起你
的时候 泪禁不住滑落
或许 我永远 都看不透

爱上你 不需要理由 你到底懂不懂
伤心快乐 在回忆中 反复的交错
噢~爱让我 想起你
的时候 泪禁不住滑落
可惜 你永远 都不会懂

放心 我还会 好好的过

Friday, April 2, 2010

[вεrrч]‣ Ğσσď ƒřĭďąч

good friday is actually to commemorate the passion, or suffering, and death on the cross of Jesus Christ..
n d coming sunday is easter day n it was his resurrection frm death..

lets bac 2 my exam life..
i juz simply answer as im nt reading much..

we had late bout 15mins 4 our paper 2..
teacher didnt entered class @ time..

im started 2 hestitate when i gt d paper..
read it all over n my brain is blanked..
n b4 im goin 2 forgt on wat i had wrote
i juz started it frm essay ques..
juz wrote wat's in my mind..

n my structure ques was >.<
left sum blanked..
n visha was damn lucky 4 her 'lucky place'

stayed bac a while after sch..
2 check d pps's duty laporan..
found sum 'lazy ppl'

our exam is goin 2 end on nex wed..
left chemistry n physics..
oh yeah..
its a big release after d exam gone..
n quite bored during exam week..
lik robot lo..

n looking forward 2 d kl pc fair..
johor pc fair gt promotion..o.O
pumpkin suit again..
bt d others so nice..
hope cib mall gt take part on it..
lets fight 4 d las 2 subject..
n bye bye 4 exam..

[Luvfy] I'm tired..

Finally friday arrived..
The last exam for tis week..
i've never knew ,
Why does the teacher give us all tips..
i dint think too muc..
i revise SEJ according it..
becos of thurs i gt alot of tuition..
i hav no time to study..
I got up at five o'clock in the morning,
for my revision..
I'm going to cry ..
It is too late to start reading..
I can't go through these in an hour..
There is nth i can do..
I'm waiting for d miracle to come..

School time..
Paper tough...
Over time chronic tightening up lowers my comfort level and promotes disease,
but lucky i finished up..
bt i tink i ll get less than 20 per 40..

paper2 .
even worst than paper 1..
very tricky question..
no answer came up to me..
I all could not answer,
casually randomly guessed..
whether correct or wrong ?

That will see build to turn ownly...
Do not abandon me or forsake me,
O God of my salvation.
I hope i atleast passed..

Nx week is kimia & physic paper1,2
Preserve me , God..
Aza Aza Fighting

Thursday, April 1, 2010

[Luvfy] Fall on evil day ..

Oh snap !
my bio n kimia paper 3 !
no hope jor..

First of all ,
lets tok abt my bio ..
when i got d examination paper..
i was happi..
i had read all dat ..
dat is big hole in my head ..
I am written down disastrous.
I’ve got an awful headache.
Section B ,
a fate worst than ...
black seeds sowed in a white field where grows wisdom,
what is it?
plant tissues..
i tot potato canot use..
so I headed off to a plant ..
repent on dat ..

After recess..
Time is running out ..
Bt i nt yet revision all..
That looks easy enough to do 4 Sec A
"The best is yet to be"..
Sec B i ultimately finished memorised..
bt d question quite hard to understand..
i misunderstood..
whole experiment like put one's foot in one's mouth..
extremely grieved....

HapPi Birthday to Meng Khang ~
HapPi BirThdAy to Katherine ~
N conratulation to Sze Yee & Jia Wei..

[вεrrч]‣ ąρřĭı ƒσσı

нąρρч ąρřĭı ƒσσı

didnt fool by any1 2day..
jia wei kena..
ning ning kena..
d most poor is min shin..XP

n 2day was meng khang bday..
happy birthday nia..

2moro sejarah..
all gambateh..~*

[Luvfy] 星座分析:

[Luvfy] 最懂得疼惜女强人的前五名男生

第一名:天秤座。 天秤座的男生可以接受女強人,在結婚前對方的女強人身分他是完全配合的,他的時間表可以為對方而更改,不過重點這個女強人外表要亮麗出色,但是結婚後天秤男就會要求了,雖然他還是會允許老婆有自己的事業,但是老婆該盡的責任,例如生小孩、夫妻相處的時間等等都還是要的。

第二名:水瓶座。 水瓶座的男生眼光通常比較另類,而且他很希望可以藉由跟女強人交往的過程中增加自己的知識和水準,他不介意因此而當小男人,交往的對象是名門之後或者是比自己位階高的女強人這件事情會增加他想要繼續戀情的推動力。

第三名:雙魚座。 雙魚座的男生非常貼心,細心的雙魚男總是能夠搶在別人沒注意到之前就已經準備好了,女強人有時候表現的頤使氣指,尊重個人特質的雙魚男也都能接受,而且雙魚男認為有個聰明能幹的配偶不僅僅從基因考量上佔優勢,而且也會使得人生的很多事情上能夠順利。

第四名:射手座。 射手座的男生眼光很獨到,他喜歡聰明有活力的女生,女生的位階高低嚇不倒射手男,一般男人考慮結婚對象的因素,例如會不會顧家、賢不賢慧等等,都不是射手男在意的,聰明絕頂或者是人中之鳳的女生才是他想要的。

第五名:魔羯座。 魔羯座的男生還蠻大男人主義的,雖然他可以接受女強人為結婚對象,但是對方還是要有功能性,例如女強人老婆在外面忙的沒日沒夜無法操持家務,那麼最少也要一起分擔家用和生活費,魔羯男認為如果另一半可以幫忙減輕負擔的話,那麼不當小女人的部分他是可以原諒的。

[Luvfy] 12星座装可爱


第二名白羊座 白羊天生有很强的孩子气,冲动,爱冒险,性急……都是天真的表现。白羊其实是很有想法的星座,当他发现他的目的不能达到的时候,他就会选择耍无赖,扮可怜……以可爱之名行事,自然会无往不利,百战百胜。白羊是化腐朽为神奇的厉害角色。

第三名:双鱼座 双鱼座总给人一种可爱女人,纯情公主的印象。但是如果你真的认为他是真的那么纯情的话,你的下场就会很惨的。把爱情视做生命的双鱼,在把玩爱情的时候会呕心沥血。可爱只是表面,厉害才是核心。装出来的可爱让百炼刚都成绕指柔。

第四名:天蝎座 哈哈,想不到吧!神秘,阴沉的天蝎座会那么喜欢装可爱。就象在黑暗中呆久了的人会特别喜欢太阳一样。很喜欢漫画和卡通的天蝎是很有童心的星座。只是平常严肃惯了的他童心未泯的样子,到九成九象是伪装的。大人,冤枉呀!

第五名:处女座 天生爱幻想的处女,只有超级完美的童话世界才能满足她。只是一大把年纪还在那么肆无忌惮的卡哇伊,真是会让人很受不了。老大,拜托成长起来。装可爱装成那个样,也未免太明显了一点吧。可是固执的处女可是不会听别人的劝告的。

第六名:天秤座 就象张学友正正经经演戏,却把洪七演的那么可爱一样。一直在努力追求成熟的天秤,其实从来就没有刻意去追求什么可爱。可是天性使然吧,他那孩子气的动作,表情总是那么一幅天真烂漫的神情,这样的可爱应该叫做浑然天成吧!

第七名:狮子座 狮子才不会稀罕什么小可爱呢!可是每个人的心里都藏了一个孩子。当我们看到狮子一本正经的讲冷笑话的时候,当我们看到他捧着漫画书狂笑的时候。我们会会心一笑,不约而同的想到一句话:“轩,装可爱!”这样的结果是狮子预料不到的。

第八名:水瓶座 大概是演技不太好的缘故,水瓶还没有开始装可爱就已经被朋友看穿了。虽然他也会瞪大双眼装莫名惊诧状。可是那蹩脚的演技真是让人觉得很恶。朋友这样几次三番打击下来,水瓶自然就把装可爱的心收拾起来,只能在心里缅怀了。

第九名:摩羯座 摩羯座是骨子里不屑装可爱的那种人,可是天性不是理智可以压制的住的。看到可爱的猫猫狗狗就会抓狂的摩羯们,一脸爱怜的样子,在那里又是喵呜,又是汪汪的和动物交流,搂搂抱抱的那股亲热劲。那种样子不是可爱是什么呢?

第十名:金牛座 金牛的老实本分是出了名的。只是憨厚有时候也会显得很可爱,由于是本性流露,不是伪装出来的所以排名不高。另外习惯直线条思考问题的金牛一般为人处世也很严谨的,可爱的神情可是一年难遇,幸运的观众还是好好珍惜吧。

第十一名:巨蟹座 巨蟹座不是不喜欢装可爱,而是偷懒。装出来的可爱是需要表情,声音,动作等等来辅助的,真是自找麻烦呀。与其辛苦的伪装,还不如真实一点。反正浪漫与温柔是巨蟹座行走江湖的撒手锏,迷死人不偿命。一招鲜,就可以吃遍天了。可爱要来做什么?

第十二名:射手座 之所以骄傲的射手座排名会那么低,一来是因为射手座自己本身对装的东西了无兴趣,二是确实天赋不够。既然不能可爱,那么就成熟一点吧!缺点有时候也会造就优点的。君不见,物以稀为贵嘛!就像钻石永远比石头来得金贵。

[Luvfy] <会长是女仆大人>

Maid sama

[вεrrч]‣ σн чεąн

long time no post here adi..
lazy 2 post..>~<

quite lots of work 2 do recently..
esp 4 maths n add maths..
gonna hang in all exercise book nex week..
bt 90% of my books is incomplete..

went sing k wth ning ning on fri..
very happy n high..
n proud i gt d chance 2 hear ning ning wonderful's voice =P
n i broke 1 glass cup XP
2 high adi..
fortunately they didnt charge me 4 d broken cup..
thz god..^O^
special offer 4 ladies tats oni 5++ frm mon-fri..
exam was around end of may..
stil gt chance 2 go again..

oh yeah..
i wan 2 go again!!!

yesterday very tired after bac frm sch..
bt goin 2 church 4 meeting..
thz god 4 strengthen me again..
i was weak n easily getting down..
bt nw..
i had pick up my mind..
i gonna make sum changes..
try nt 2 cry so much when faced problem..
i lik dis sentence " Cast ur cares on d LORD and he ll sustain u "
n " the LORD is my helper, I ll nvr afraid"
berry gambateh yo..

found 1 cute person recently..
i lik her smile..
n she is a nice person..
nice 2 meet u.. ^ ^

happy nia..=P



[Luvfy] Maid Sama

i'm, gonna crazy ..
Usui Takumi so handsome..
like him so muc..

here r some pic of "Maid Sama"
Usui Takumi

[вεrrч]‣ ωнąτş ωřσлğ ωĭτн мε?

quite a long time didnt post sumthing here..

went 4 st mary 4 chess competition on tues til thurs..

ve a lots fun thr..

gud luck 2 izzati n sara hu were goin 2 peringkat negeri..^^

here was sum pho i took in st mary XP

d hall we had our competition..

our rest room..

others ll b upload soon ^^


whats wrong wth me 2day..

i asked myself..

bt i didnt gt d answer..

words cant express my feeling..



im stil hu i am..

soh poh..

tats wad i noe..XP


sdo maintenance til 7pm..

bt my time is over..

so unlucky..

yesterday even more unlucky..

sudden dc..

n cant connect bac..

streamyx prob-o-..

i wont let u go..

[Luvfy] Sienzz..

Eyes are very painful
Because of the comic see very late last night..

Class pictures made yesterday
Principal and vice Principals are with us
But..... Unfortunately was.....
Class teacher Cik Lee not present..
so bad...

This year pic are different..
We n all subject's tacher take photo ..
The 1st 1 is serious ,
d 1nd 1 is free pose gek..
i squatted in front of principal..
7 ppl squatted ,
3 left 3 right..

Satursday go FRIM for picnic..
min shin wanted to c sze yee wear bikini ..
The weather is very hot
mayb it is a right choice to wear bikini ..


[вεrrч]‣ ĭм ьąć

went klang on sat afternoon n went bac 2day..

ve lots fun time wth my cousin sis..

n learn sumthings new..^O^

buy sumthing too when goin 2 jusco..

n ate paobing..wakakaXP


so qqqqq neh..^O^

cousin bought dis 2..

so nice..boy geh left las 1 oni..>.<

purse bought by sis..

n we had our lunch in mcd after reached kl sentral frm klang ktm station..

quite bored @ train..

new mcflurry favour..

oreo berries..


after finished eating we went bac kepong by train again @@

a nice song 2 share wth u all~*


什么 都不要懂 只想 继续做梦
害怕 醒来以后 握不住你的手
是谁 太不成熟 没体谅彼此感受
我不停寻找着理由 解释分手

心好空 像没温度的 气球
我的灵魂困在回忆中 动也不能动

爱上你 不需要理由 你到底懂不懂
可是怀念 竟比失去 还要更难受
噢~爱让我 想起你
的时候 泪禁不住滑落
可惜 你永远 都不会懂

什么 都不要懂 只想 继续做梦
害怕 醒来以后 握不住你的手
如果 同一秒钟 你也 想起了我
心只要能微微颤抖 就已足够

爱上你 不需要理由 你到底懂不懂
可是怀念 竟比失去 还要更难受
噢~爱让我 想起你
的时候 泪禁不住滑落
或许 我永远 都看不透

爱上你 不需要理由 你到底懂不懂
伤心快乐 在回忆中 反复的交错
噢~爱让我 想起你
的时候 泪禁不住滑落
可惜 你永远 都不会懂

放心 我还会 好好的过

[вεrrч]‣ Ğσσď ƒřĭďąч

good friday is actually to commemorate the passion, or suffering, and death on the cross of Jesus Christ..
n d coming sunday is easter day n it was his resurrection frm death..

lets bac 2 my exam life..
i juz simply answer as im nt reading much..

we had late bout 15mins 4 our paper 2..
teacher didnt entered class @ time..

im started 2 hestitate when i gt d paper..
read it all over n my brain is blanked..
n b4 im goin 2 forgt on wat i had wrote
i juz started it frm essay ques..
juz wrote wat's in my mind..

n my structure ques was >.<
left sum blanked..
n visha was damn lucky 4 her 'lucky place'

stayed bac a while after sch..
2 check d pps's duty laporan..
found sum 'lazy ppl'

our exam is goin 2 end on nex wed..
left chemistry n physics..
oh yeah..
its a big release after d exam gone..
n quite bored during exam week..
lik robot lo..

n looking forward 2 d kl pc fair..
johor pc fair gt promotion..o.O
pumpkin suit again..
bt d others so nice..
hope cib mall gt take part on it..
lets fight 4 d las 2 subject..
n bye bye 4 exam..

[Luvfy] I'm tired..

Finally friday arrived..
The last exam for tis week..
i've never knew ,
Why does the teacher give us all tips..
i dint think too muc..
i revise SEJ according it..
becos of thurs i gt alot of tuition..
i hav no time to study..
I got up at five o'clock in the morning,
for my revision..
I'm going to cry ..
It is too late to start reading..
I can't go through these in an hour..
There is nth i can do..
I'm waiting for d miracle to come..

School time..
Paper tough...
Over time chronic tightening up lowers my comfort level and promotes disease,
but lucky i finished up..
bt i tink i ll get less than 20 per 40..

paper2 .
even worst than paper 1..
very tricky question..
no answer came up to me..
I all could not answer,
casually randomly guessed..
whether correct or wrong ?

That will see build to turn ownly...
Do not abandon me or forsake me,
O God of my salvation.
I hope i atleast passed..

Nx week is kimia & physic paper1,2
Preserve me , God..
Aza Aza Fighting

[Luvfy] Fall on evil day ..

Oh snap !
my bio n kimia paper 3 !
no hope jor..

First of all ,
lets tok abt my bio ..
when i got d examination paper..
i was happi..
i had read all dat ..
dat is big hole in my head ..
I am written down disastrous.
I’ve got an awful headache.
Section B ,
a fate worst than ...
black seeds sowed in a white field where grows wisdom,
what is it?
plant tissues..
i tot potato canot use..
so I headed off to a plant ..
repent on dat ..

After recess..
Time is running out ..
Bt i nt yet revision all..
That looks easy enough to do 4 Sec A
"The best is yet to be"..
Sec B i ultimately finished memorised..
bt d question quite hard to understand..
i misunderstood..
whole experiment like put one's foot in one's mouth..
extremely grieved....

HapPi Birthday to Meng Khang ~
HapPi BirThdAy to Katherine ~
N conratulation to Sze Yee & Jia Wei..

[вεrrч]‣ ąρřĭı ƒσσı

нąρρч ąρřĭı ƒσσı

didnt fool by any1 2day..
jia wei kena..
ning ning kena..
d most poor is min shin..XP

n 2day was meng khang bday..
happy birthday nia..

2moro sejarah..
all gambateh..~*


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